very feminine girls names

Most feminine and sophisticated name out of these two? - Yahoo!7.
Apr 30, 2007. Olivia - the most popular girls' name in England and Wales for newborns - only comes in eighth in the list of most feminine names. Among those.
Baby Girl Names A - Your baby's name is here waiting if you want it to begin with an A.. The feminine form of Albert, and also the name of a Canadian province. Albina, Latin, A white lady, someone of very fair hair and colouring. Albinka, Latin.
This question about "Most feminine and so…. Leila Juliana : I've always adored the name Leila, I think its such a graceful, elegant girls name.
William is, without doubt, a masculine name and Teresa is definitely a feminine name. Most names are usually either given to a boy, or to a girl. A few names can.
I love soft sounding feminine girl names, what about. Hallie- pronounced. I think Hannah is a very strong beautiful name. Tabitha Rose-.
Pretty, modern and feminine girls names with meanings? - Yahoo! UK.
Feminine old-fashioned girls names? - Yahoo! Answers.
Mar 28, 2013. I've noticed that Americans tend to pick more masculine names for. For my taste and my style, all of the names you listed I think are very feminine for a boy.. GIRLS: Aira Rose Adelaide, Eilidh Clara Valentine, Bridie Scarlett.
very feminine girls names
The Sound of Modern Femininity | The Baby Name Wizard.Looking for a 'soft' sounding, feminine name? - Yahoo! Answers.
Baby Girl Names J - Just girls names that begin with the letter J.. Janelle, English, A modern name derived from Jane and the feminine suffix `elle'. Jane - God is gracious. Janet, God is gracious .. Most Popular Recipes. Easy Dinner Recipes.
I have always liked the name Kelly. I do prefer it for a girl. The spelling Kellie is very feminine. -- Anonymous User 4/25/2006. My name is Kelly-Anne and I.
I cannot find a girls name I like enough to use for a daughter someday. I want it to be VERY uncommon and feminine and strong. Nothing dated.
Hello, my husband and I have been looking for a strong female name, but we're pretty stumped.. Many of the names I like are a little too feminine and not strong enough- like. Yes, Sienna is one of our favorites, and it's a very sweet name!
Masculine, Feminine, and Unisex Names - Geocities.
Feb 9, 2010. Romantic names for girls – loosely defined as creative and elaborate names that . Some very feminine names with tomboyish nicknames are:.
very feminine girls names
Should a Girl Named Sloane Have a More Feminine Middle Name?
Nice, feminine girl names.your favorites? - Yahoo! Answers.